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10 Publications
7. Genetic Subgroups Inform On Pathobiology In Adult And Pediatric Burkitt Lymphoma

Blood. Epub, October 6, 2022

This publication is part of CGCI-HTMCP-DLBCL, CGCI-BLGSP
8. Combinatorial and Machine Learning Approaches for Improved Somatic Variant Calling from Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Genome Sequence Data Read the full article

April 27, 2022; 10.3389/fgene.2022.834764

This publication is part of CGCI-HTMCP-CC, CGCI-BLGSP
9. Analysis of Ugandan cervical carcinomas identifies human papillomavirus clade-specific epigenome and transcriptome landscapes. Read the full article

3 August 2020; 10.1038/s41588-020-0673-7

This publication is part of CGCI-HTMCP-CC
10. Genome-wide discovery of somatic coding and non-coding mutations in pediatric endemic and sporadic Burkitt lymphoma Read the full article

7 January 2019; 10.1182/blood-2018-09-871418

This publication is part of CGCI-BLGSP

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  • NCI supported programs that have submitted data into the GDC
  • Publications that involve primary analysis associated with the initial data submission

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