Accessing Genomic Data
The GDC Data Portal is a groundbreaking tool that enables a better understanding of cancer biology by allowing researchers to:
Data Access Tools
The GDC provides web-based tools and API endpoints for searching, viewing and downloading data as well as client tools for downloading large volumes of data.
Controlled Data Access Policy
Any user requesting access to GDC controlled data must apply for access to the data through the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP):
High Quality Datasets
The GDC obtains datasets from NCI programs which maintain tissue collection strategies that couple quantity with quality. Data validation is performed on all data submitted to the GDC.
What’s New with the GDC and Cancer Research
Cancer Research Highlights and Publications:
Does the GDC provide access to germline variants?
Any germline SNP calls are not available for exploration in the GDC Data Portal. Instead, alignments for germline data are available under controlled access. Users with appropriate access may use the alignments to generate germline variants.
Some somatic variants callers, such as MuTect2, also output somatic calls with some level of germline possibilities, such as those labelled as "germline_risk". Please note that these calls are, by no means, germline variants. They are somatic calls with boundary probability of germline risks.
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