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New Cases of HIV-Associated Cancers & Head and Neck Cancers Available

The GDC’s latest data release includes two major National Cancer Institute projects: the HIV+ Tumor Molecular Characterization Project (HTMCP) and Cancer Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC).

The Cancer Genome Characterization Initiative’s HTMCP seeks to understand why certain cancers have higher incidences in HIV-positive patients. This first batch includes 212 cases of cervical cancer patients and includes RNA-seq, miRNA-seq, whole genome and targeted sequencing data (phs000235).

CPTAC project data in the GDC is being expanded with aliquot-level MAF files for 110 new cases of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (phs001287) and 328 existing cases of breast, colon, and ovarian cancer (phs000892). Aliquot-level MAFs summarize mutation calls for one tumor/normal pair, rather than one entire project. Look for corresponding CPTAC proteomic and phosphoproteomic data to be released soon in the Proteomic Data Commons.

Stay tuned for more updates, as the GDC continues to harmonize more data and develop pipelines to support new types of molecular techniques. See Data Release v24.0 notes for details on this current release.