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General Questions

How do I cite the NCI GDC?

Submitted by Anonymous on

Please credit the NCI Genomic Data Commons (GDC) in your manuscript by citing the following paper about the GDC in your manuscript:

Heath, A.P., Ferretti, V., Agrawal, S. et al. The NCI Genomic Data Commons. Nat Genet 53, 257-262 (2021). 

When citing individual projects, please refer to the attribution policies of the project when available.

What are the goals of the GDC?

Submitted by Anonymous on

The primary goal of the GDC is to provide the cancer research community with a unified repository and cancer knowledge base supporting cancer genomic studies. The cancer knowledge base enables the identification of low-frequency cancer drivers, assists in defining genomic determinants of response to therapy, and informs the composition of clinical trial cohorts sharing targeted genetic lesions.

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