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TCGAbiolinks was developed as an R/Bioconductor to address challenges with data mining and analysis of cancer genomics data stored at GDC. We offer bioinformatics solutions by using a guided workflow to allow users to query, download, and perform integrative analyses of GDC data. We combined methods from computer science and statistics into the pipeline and incorporated methodologies developed in previous TCGA marker studies. We also provide a graphics user interface (GUI) version of TCGAbiolinks that can run on a user's local machine. TCGAbiolinksGUI contains all the features of the R-version yet allows users an easier way to navigate the analysis steps. We provide online documentations, tutorials, and video guides to assist users with the analysis.

Release Date
Tiago Chedraoui Silva
Antonio Colaprico
Catharina Olsen
Michele Ceccarelli
Gianluca Bontempi
Houtan Noushmehr
Topic Taxonomy