Term | Category | CDE | Required? |
age at index | Demographic | 6028530 | Optional |
age is obfuscated | Demographic | --- | Optional |
cause of death | Demographic | 2554674 | Optional |
cause of death source | Demographic | --- | Optional |
country of birth | Demographic | --- | Optional |
country of residence at enrollment | Demographic | 7050286 | Optional |
days to birth | Demographic | 6154723 | Optional |
days to death | Demographic | 6154724 | Optional |
education level | Demographic | C17953 | Optional |
ethnicity | Demographic | 2192217 | Required |
sex | Demographic | 2200604 | Required |
marital status | Demographic | C25188 | Optional |
occupation duration years | Demographic | 2435424 | Optional |
population group | Demographic | C17005 | Optional |
premature at birth | Demographic | 6010765 | Optional |
race | Demographic | 2192199 | Required |
vital status | Demographic | 5 | Required |
weeks gestation at birth | Demographic | 2737369 | Optional |
year of birth | Demographic | 2896954 | Optional |
year of death | Demographic | 2897030 | Optional |
adrenal hormone | Diagnosis | C2264 | Optional |
age at diagnosis | Diagnosis | 3225640 | Required |
ajcc clinical m | Diagnosis | 3440331 | Optional |
ajcc clinical n | Diagnosis | 3440330 | Optional |
ajcc clinical stage | Diagnosis | 3440332 | Optional |
ajcc clinical t | Diagnosis | 3440328 | Optional |
ajcc pathologic m | Diagnosis | 3045439 | Optional |
ajcc pathologic n | Diagnosis | 3203106 | Optional |
ajcc pathologic stage | Diagnosis | 3203222 | Optional |
ajcc pathologic t | Diagnosis | 3045435 | Optional |
ajcc serum tumor markers | Diagnosis | C111067 | Optional |
ajcc staging system edition | Diagnosis | 2722309 | Optional |
ann arbor b symptoms | Diagnosis | 2902402 | Optional |
ann arbor b symptoms described | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
ann arbor clinical stage | Diagnosis | 5615604 | Optional |
ann arbor extranodal involvement | Diagnosis | 3364582 | Optional |
ann arbor pathologic stage | Diagnosis | 5615605 | Optional |
best overall response | Diagnosis | 2003324 | Optional |
burkitt lymphoma clinical variant | Diagnosis | 3770421 | Optional |
calgb risk group | Diagnosis | C159229 | Optional |
cancer detection method | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
child pugh classification | Diagnosis | 2931791 | Optional |
clark level | Diagnosis | C94811 | Optional |
classification of tumor | Diagnosis | 3288124 | Optional |
cog liver stage | Diagnosis | 6013618 | Optional |
cog neuroblastoma risk group | Diagnosis | 4616452 | Optional |
cog renal stage | Diagnosis | 6013641 | Optional |
cog rhabdomyosarcoma risk group | Diagnosis | 6133604 | Optional |
contiguous organ invaded | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
days to best overall response | Diagnosis | 6154732 | Optional |
days to diagnosis | Diagnosis | 6154733 | Optional |
days to last follow up | Diagnosis | 3008273 | Optional |
days to last known disease status | Diagnosis | 3008273 | Optional |
days to recurrence | Diagnosis | 6154731 | Optional |
diagnosis is primary disease | Diagnosis | --- | Required |
double expressor lymphoma | Diagnosis | C138900 | Optional |
double hit lymphoma | Diagnosis | C125904 | Optional |
eln risk classification | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
enneking msts grade | Diagnosis | 6003955 | Optional |
enneking msts metastasis | Diagnosis | 6003958 | Optional |
enneking msts stage | Diagnosis | 6060045 | Optional |
enneking msts tumor site | Diagnosis | 6003957 | Optional |
ensat clinical m | Diagnosis | C104027 | Optional |
ensat pathologic n | Diagnosis | C104023 | Optional |
ensat pathologic stage | Diagnosis | C141099 | Optional |
ensat pathologic t | Diagnosis | C104018 | Optional |
esophageal columnar dysplasia degree | Diagnosis | 3440917 | Optional |
esophageal columnar metaplasia present | Diagnosis | 3440218 | Optional |
fab morphology code | Diagnosis | C91220 | Optional |
figo stage | Diagnosis | 3225684 | Optional |
figo staging edition year | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
first symptom longest duration | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
first symptom prior to diagnosis | Diagnosis | 6133605 | Optional |
gastric esophageal junction involvement | Diagnosis | 6059632 | Optional |
gleason grade group | Diagnosis | 5918370 | Optional |
gleason grade tertiary | Diagnosis | C48605 | Optional |
gleason patterns percent | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
gleason score | Diagnosis | C28084 | Optional |
goblet cells columnar mucosa present | Diagnosis | 3440219 | Optional |
icd 10 code | Diagnosis | 3226287 | Optional |
igcccg stage | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
inpc grade | Diagnosis | 6133602 | Optional |
inpc histologic group | Diagnosis | 4616372 | Optional |
inrg stage | Diagnosis | 5777238 | Optional |
inss stage | Diagnosis | 6133603 | Optional |
international prognostic index | Diagnosis | 2500234 | Optional |
irs group | Diagnosis | 6141658 | Optional |
irs stage | Diagnosis | 5162089 | Optional |
ishak fibrosis score | Diagnosis | 3182621 | Optional |
iss stage | Diagnosis | 2465385 | Optional |
last known disease status | Diagnosis | 5424231 | Optional |
laterality | Diagnosis | 827 | Optional |
margin distance | Diagnosis | C137815 | Optional |
margins involved site | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
masaoka stage | Diagnosis | 3952848 | Optional |
max tumor bulk site | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
medulloblastoma molecular classification | Diagnosis | 6002209 | Optional |
melanoma known primary | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
metastasis at diagnosis | Diagnosis | 6133614 | Optional |
metastasis at diagnosis site | Diagnosis | 3029815 | Optional |
method of diagnosis | Diagnosis | 6161031 | Optional |
micropapillary features | Diagnosis | 6068784 | Optional |
mitosis karyorrhexis index | Diagnosis | 4616412 | Optional |
mitotic count | Diagnosis | C47864 | Optional |
morphology | Diagnosis | 3226275 | Required |
ovarian specimen status | Diagnosis | 6690671 | Optional |
ovarian surface involvement | Diagnosis | 6690674 | Optional |
papillary renal cell type | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
pediatric kidney staging | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
peritoneal fluid cytological status | Diagnosis | 6690681 | Optional |
pregnant at diagnosis | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
primary diagnosis | Diagnosis | 6161032 | Required |
primary disease | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
primary gleason grade | Diagnosis | 5936800 | Optional |
prior malignancy | Diagnosis | 3382736 | Optional |
prior treatment | Diagnosis | 4231463 | Optional |
progression or recurrence | Diagnosis | 3121376 | Optional |
residual disease | Diagnosis | C4809 | Optional |
satellite nodule present | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
secondary gleason grade | Diagnosis | 5936802 | Optional |
site of resection or biopsy | Diagnosis | 6161034 | Required |
sites of involvement | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
sites of involvement count | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
supratentorial localization | Diagnosis | 3133891 | Optional |
synchronous malignancy | Diagnosis | 6142390 | Optional |
tissue or organ of origin | Diagnosis | 6161035 | Required |
tumor burden | Diagnosis | C28384 | Optional |
tumor confined to organ of origin | Diagnosis | 4925494 | Optional |
tumor depth | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
tumor focality | Diagnosis | 3174022 | Optional |
tumor grade | Diagnosis | 2785839 | Optional |
tumor grade category | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
tumor of origin | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
tumor regression grade | Diagnosis | 6471217 | Optional |
uicc clinical m | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc clinical n | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc clinical stage | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc clinical t | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc pathologic m | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc pathologic n | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc pathologic stage | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc pathologic t | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc staging system edition | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
ulceration indicator | Diagnosis | C25757 | Optional |
weiss assessment findings | Diagnosis | C104015 | Optional |
weiss assessment score | Diagnosis | 3648744 | Optional |
who cns grade | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
who nte grade | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
wilms tumor histologic subtype | Diagnosis | 4358735 | Optional |
year of diagnosis | Diagnosis | 2896960 | Optional |
age at last exposure | Exposure | --- | Optional |
age at onset | Exposure | --- | Optional |
alcohol days per week | Exposure | 3114013 | Optional |
alcohol drinks per day | Exposure | 3124961 | Optional |
alcohol frequency | Exposure | --- | Optional |
alcohol history | Exposure | 2201918 | Optional |
alcohol intensity | Exposure | 3457767 | Optional |
alcohol type | Exposure | --- | Optional |
asbestos exposure | Exposure | 1253 | Optional |
asbestos exposure type | Exposure | --- | Optional |
chemical exposure type | Exposure | C36290 | Optional |
cigarettes per day | Exposure | 2001716 | Optional |
coal dust exposure | Exposure | --- | Optional |
environmental tobacco smoke exposure | Exposure | --- | Optional |
exposure duration | Exposure | --- | Optional |
exposure duration hrs per day | Exposure | --- | Optional |
exposure duration years | Exposure | C83280 | Optional |
exposure source | Exposure | --- | Optional |
exposure type | Exposure | --- | Optional |
occupation duration years | Exposure | 2435424 | Optional |
occupation type | Exposure | C25193 | Optional |
pack years smoked | Exposure | 2955385 | Optional |
parent with radiation exposure | Exposure | --- | Optional |
radon exposure | Exposure | 2816352 | Optional |
respirable crystalline silica exposure | Exposure | --- | Optional |
secondhand smoke as child | Exposure | 6841888 | Optional |
smoking frequency | Exposure | --- | Optional |
time between waking and first smoke | Exposure | 3279220 | Optional |
tobacco smoking onset year | Exposure | 2228604 | Optional |
tobacco smoking quit year | Exposure | 2228610 | Optional |
tobacco smoking status | Exposure | 2181650 | Optional |
type of smoke exposure | Exposure | --- | Optional |
type of tobacco used | Exposure | --- | Optional |
use per day | Exposure | --- | Optional |
years smoked | Exposure | 3137957 | Optional |
relationship age at diagnosis | Family history | 5300571 | Optional |
relationship sex | Family history | 6161021 | Optional |
relationship primary diagnosis | Family history | 6161022 | Optional |
relationship type | Family history | 2690165 | Optional |
relative deceased | Family history | C81180 | Optional |
relative smoker | Family history | --- | Optional |
relative with cancer history | Family history | 6161023 | Optional |
relatives with cancer history count | Family history | --- | Optional |
adverse event | Follow up | 3125302 | Optional |
adverse event grade | Follow up | 2944515 | Optional |
aids risk factors | Follow up | --- | Optional |
barretts esophagus goblet cells present | Follow up | 3440216 | Optional |
bmi | Follow up | 2006410 | Optional |
body surface area | Follow up | 653 | Optional |
cause of response | Follow up | 6161025 | Optional |
cd4 count | Follow up | 4182751 | Optional |
cdc hiv risk factors | Follow up | --- | Optional |
comorbidities | Follow up | 2970715 | Optional |
comorbidity | Follow up | 2970715 | Optional |
comorbidity method of diagnosis | Follow up | 6142386 | Optional |
days to adverse event | Follow up | 6154728 | Optional |
days to comorbidity | Follow up | --- | Optional |
days to first event | Follow up | --- | Optional |
days to follow up | Follow up | 6154727 | Required |
days to imaging | Follow up | --- | Optional |
days to progression | Follow up | 6154730 | Optional |
days to progression free | Follow up | --- | Optional |
days to recurrence | Follow up | 6154731 | Optional |
days to risk factor | Follow up | --- | Optional |
diabetes treatment type | Follow up | 3587247 | Optional |
discontiguous lesion count | Follow up | C158639 | Optional |
disease response | Follow up | 5750671 | Optional |
dlco ref predictive percent | Follow up | 2180255 | Optional |
ecog performance status | Follow up | 88 | Optional |
evidence of progression type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
evidence of recurrence type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
eye color | Follow up | C157437 | Optional |
fev1 fvc post bronch percent | Follow up | 3302956 | Optional |
fev1 fvc pre bronch percent | Follow up | 3302955 | Optional |
fev1 ref post bronch percent | Follow up | 3302948 | Optional |
fev1 ref pre bronch percent | Follow up | 3302947 | Optional |
first event | Follow up | --- | Optional |
haart treatment indicator | Follow up | --- | Optional |
height | Follow up | 649 | Optional |
hepatitis sustained virological response | Follow up | 6423783 | Optional |
histologic progression | Follow up | C99318 | Optional |
history of tumor | Follow up | --- | Optional |
history of tumor type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
hiv viral load | Follow up | 2649682 | Optional |
hormonal contraceptive type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
hormonal contraceptive use | Follow up | --- | Optional |
hormone replacement therapy type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
hpv positive type | Follow up | 2922649 | Optional |
hysterectomy margins involved | Follow up | --- | Optional |
hysterectomy type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
imaging anatomic site | Follow up | C13717 | Optional |
imaging findings | Follow up | --- | Optional |
imaging result | Follow up | --- | Optional |
imaging suv | Follow up | C69310 | Optional |
imaging suv max | Follow up | C69310 | Optional |
imaging type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
immunosuppressive treatment type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
karnofsky performance status | Follow up | 2003853 | Optional |
menopause status | Follow up | 2434914 | Optional |
nadir cd4 count | Follow up | --- | Optional |
pancreatitis onset year | Follow up | 3457763 | Optional |
peritoneal washing results | Follow up | C159340 | Optional |
pregnancy count | Follow up | --- | Optional |
pregnancy outcome | Follow up | --- | Optional |
procedures performed | Follow up | --- | Optional |
progression or recurrence | Follow up | 3121376 | Optional |
progression or recurrence anatomic site | Follow up | 6161026 | Optional |
progression or recurrence type | Follow up | 6142385 | Optional |
recist targeted regions number | Follow up | --- | Optional |
recist targeted regions sum | Follow up | --- | Optional |
reflux treatment type | Follow up | 3440206 | Optional |
risk factor | Follow up | 6142389 | Optional |
risk factor method of diagnosis | Follow up | C177576 | Optional |
risk factor treatment | Follow up | 6514356 | Optional |
risk factors | Follow up | 6142389 | Optional |
scan tracer used | Follow up | --- | Optional |
timepoint category | Follow up | C68568 | Optional |
treatment emergent adverse event | Follow up | C142733 | Optional |
undescended testis corrected | Follow up | --- | Optional |
undescended testis corrected age | Follow up | C181721 | Optional |
undescended testis corrected laterality | Follow up | --- | Optional |
undescended testis corrected method | Follow up | --- | Optional |
undescended testis history | Follow up | C12326 | Optional |
undescended testis history laterality | Follow up | --- | Optional |
viral hepatitis serologies | Follow up | 4395982 | Optional |
weight | Follow up | 651 | Optional |
year of follow up | Follow up | --- | Optional |
aa change | Molecular test | 6142508 | Optional |
aneuploidy | Molecular test | C2873 | Optional |
antigen | Molecular test | 6142523 | Optional |
biospecimen type | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
biospecimen volume | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
blood test normal range lower | Molecular test | 6142571 | Optional |
blood test normal range upper | Molecular test | 6142535 | Optional |
cell count | Molecular test | 6142528 | Optional |
chromosomal translocation | Molecular test | C3420 | Optional |
chromosome | Molecular test | 6142404 | Optional |
chromosome arm | Molecular test | C13355 | Optional |
clonality | Molecular test | C18304 | Optional |
copy number | Molecular test | 6142519 | Optional |
cytoband | Molecular test | 6142405 | Optional |
days to test | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
exon | Molecular test | 6142411 | Optional |
gene symbol | Molecular test | 6142392 | Required |
histone family | Molecular test | 6142511 | Optional |
histone variant | Molecular test | 6142515 | Optional |
hpv strain | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
intron | Molecular test | 6514355 | Optional |
laboratory test | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
loci abnormal count | Molecular test | 6074182 | Optional |
loci count | Molecular test | 6074183 | Optional |
locus | Molecular test | C45822 | Optional |
mismatch repair mutation | Molecular test | 6142534 | Optional |
mitotic count | Molecular test | C47864 | Optional |
mitotic total area | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
molecular analysis method | Molecular test | 6142401 | Required |
molecular consequence | Molecular test | 6142403 | Optional |
mutation codon | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
pathogenicity | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
ploidy | Molecular test | 6142527 | Optional |
second exon | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
second gene symbol | Molecular test | 6142393 | Optional |
specialized molecular test | Molecular test | 6142526 | Optional |
staining intensity scale | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
staining intensity value | Molecular test | C127762 | Optional |
test analyte type | Molecular test | 6142394 | Optional |
test result | Molecular test | 6142397 | Required |
test units | Molecular test | 6142525 | Optional |
test value | Molecular test | 6142524 | Optional |
test value range | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
timepoint category | Molecular test | C68568 | Optional |
transcript | Molecular test | 6142465 | Optional |
variant origin | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
variant type | Molecular test | 6142402 | Optional |
zygosity | Molecular test | 6142510 | Optional |
aids risk factors | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
bmi | Other clinical attribute | 2006410 | Optional |
body surface area | Other clinical attribute | 653 | Optional |
cd4 count | Other clinical attribute | 4182751 | Optional |
cdc hiv risk factors | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
comorbidities | Other clinical attribute | 2970715 | Optional |
comorbidity method of diagnosis | Other clinical attribute | 6142386 | Optional |
days to comorbidity | Other clinical attribute | 6154729 | Optional |
days to risk factor | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
diabetes treatment type | Other clinical attribute | 3587247 | Optional |
dlco ref predictive percent | Other clinical attribute | 2180255 | Optional |
exercise frequency weekly | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
eye color | Other clinical attribute | C157437 | Optional |
fev1 fvc post bronch percent | Other clinical attribute | 3302956 | Optional |
fev1 fvc pre bronch percent | Other clinical attribute | 3302955 | Optional |
fev1 ref post bronch percent | Other clinical attribute | 3302948 | Optional |
fev1 ref pre bronch percent | Other clinical attribute | 3302947 | Optional |
haart treatment indicator | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
height | Other clinical attribute | 649 | Optional |
hepatitis sustained virological response | Other clinical attribute | 6423783 | Optional |
hiv viral load | Other clinical attribute | 2649682 | Optional |
hormonal contraceptive type | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
hormonal contraceptive use | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
hormonal replacement therapy status | Other clinical attribute | C206479 | Optional |
hormone replacement therapy type | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
hysterectomy margins involved | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
hysterectomy type | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
immunosuppressive treatment type | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
menopause status | Other clinical attribute | 2434914 | Optional |
myasthenia gravis classification | Other clinical attribute | C187352 | Optional |
nadir cd4 count | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
nononcologic therapeutic agents | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
number of pregnancies | Other clinical attribute | C106551 | Optional |
oxygen use indicator | Other clinical attribute | 7847908 | Optional |
oxygen use type | Other clinical attribute | 3181408 | Optional |
pancreatitis onset year | Other clinical attribute | 3457763 | Optional |
pregnancy count | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
pregnancy outcome | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
pregnant at diagnosis | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
premature at birth | Other clinical attribute | 6010765 | Optional |
reflux treatment type | Other clinical attribute | 3440206 | Optional |
risk factor method of diagnosis | Other clinical attribute | C177576 | Optional |
risk factor treatment | Other clinical attribute | 6514356 | Optional |
risk factors | Other clinical attribute | 6142389 | Optional |
timepoint category | Other clinical attribute | C68568 | Optional |
treatment frequency | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
undescended testis corrected | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
undescended testis corrected age | Other clinical attribute | C181721 | Optional |
undescended testis corrected age range | Other clinical attribute | C181721 | Optional |
undescended testis corrected laterality | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
undescended testis corrected method | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
undescended testis history | Other clinical attribute | C12326 | Optional |
undescended testis history laterality | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
viral hepatitis serologies | Other clinical attribute | 4395982 | Optional |
viral hepatitis serology tests | Other clinical attribute | C177609 | Optional |
weeks gestation at birth | Other clinical attribute | 2737369 | Optional |
weight | Other clinical attribute | 651 | Optional |
additional pathology findings | Pathology detail | C158809 | Optional |
anaplasia present | Pathology detail | 6059599 | Optional |
anaplasia present type | Pathology detail | 4925534 | Optional |
bone marrow malignant cells | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
breslow thickness | Pathology detail | 64809 | Optional |
circumferential resection margin | Pathology detail | 6161030 | Optional |
columnar mucosa present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
consistent pathology review | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
days to pathology detail | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
dysplasia degree | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
dysplasia type | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
epithelioid cell percent | Pathology detail | C200471 | Optional |
epithelioid cell percent range | Pathology detail | C200471 | Optional |
extracapsular extension | Pathology detail | C25502 | Optional |
extracapsular extension present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
extranodal extension | Pathology detail | C117309 | Optional |
extraocular nodule size | Pathology detail | C185261 | Optional |
extrascleral extension | Pathology detail | C111028 | Optional |
extrascleral extension present | Pathology detail | C111028 | Optional |
extrathyroid extension | Pathology detail | 3179452 | Optional |
greatest tumor dimension | Pathology detail | C157135 | Optional |
gross tumor weight | Pathology detail | 6133606 | Optional |
histologic progression type | Pathology detail | 3181384 | Optional |
intratubular germ cell neoplasia present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
largest extrapelvic peritoneal focus | Pathology detail | 6690680 | Optional |
lymph node dissection method | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
lymph node dissection site | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
lymph node involved site | Pathology detail | C33027 | Optional |
lymph node involvement | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
lymph nodes positive | Pathology detail | 89 | Optional |
lymph nodes removed | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
lymph nodes tested | Pathology detail | 3 | Optional |
lymphatic invasion present | Pathology detail | 64171 | Optional |
margin status | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
measurement type | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
measurement unit | Pathology detail | C42578 | Optional |
metaplasia present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
micrometastasis present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
morphologic architectural pattern | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
necrosis percent | Pathology detail | C159481 | Optional |
necrosis present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
non nodal regional disease | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
non nodal tumor deposits | Pathology detail | 3107051 | Optional |
number proliferating cells | Pathology detail | 5432636 | Optional |
percent tumor invasion | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
percent tumor nuclei | Pathology detail | 2841225 | Optional |
perineural invasion present | Pathology detail | 64181 | Optional |
peripancreatic lymph nodes positive | Pathology detail | 5983082 | Optional |
peripancreatic lymph nodes tested | Pathology detail | 6050944 | Optional |
prcc type | Pathology detail | C6975 | Optional |
prostatic chips positive count | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
prostatic chips total count | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
prostatic involvement percent | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
residual tumor | Pathology detail | C4809 | Optional |
residual tumor measurement | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
rhabdoid percent | Pathology detail | 6790120 | Optional |
rhabdoid present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
sarcomatoid percent | Pathology detail | 2429786 | Optional |
sarcomatoid present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
size extraocular nodule | Pathology detail | C185261 | Optional |
spindle cell percent | Pathology detail | C200472 | Optional |
spindle cell percent range | Pathology detail | C200472 | Optional |
timepoint category | Pathology detail | C68568 | Optional |
transglottic extension | Pathology detail | C160996 | Optional |
tumor basal diameter | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
tumor burden | Pathology detail | C28384 | Optional |
tumor depth descriptor | Pathology detail | 3808610 | Optional |
tumor depth measurement | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
tumor infiltrating lymphocytes | Pathology detail | C12546 | Optional |
tumor infiltrating macrophages | Pathology detail | C111027 | Optional |
tumor largest dimension diameter | Pathology detail | 64215 | Optional |
tumor length measurement | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
tumor level prostate | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
tumor shape | Pathology detail | 3870445 | Optional |
tumor thickness | Pathology detail | C176286 | Optional |
tumor width measurement | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
vascular invasion present | Pathology detail | 64358 | Optional |
vascular invasion type | Pathology detail | 3168001 | Optional |
zone of origin prostate | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
chemo concurrent to radiation | Treatment | --- | Optional |
clinical trial indicator | Treatment | --- | Optional |
course number | Treatment | C166235 | Optional |
days to treatment end | Treatment | 6154725 | Optional |
days to treatment start | Treatment | 6154726 | Optional |
drug category | Treatment | --- | Optional |
embolic agent | Treatment | C97229 | Optional |
initial disease status | Treatment | --- | Optional |
lesions treated number | Treatment | --- | Optional |
margin distance | Treatment | C137815 | Optional |
margin status | Treatment | --- | Optional |
margins involved site | Treatment | --- | Optional |
number of cycles | Treatment | --- | Optional |
number of fractions | Treatment | --- | Optional |
prescribed dose | Treatment | --- | Optional |
prescribed dose units | Treatment | C206478 | Optional |
pretreatment | Treatment | C103339 | Optional |
protocol identifier | Treatment | C132299 | Optional |
radiosensitizing agent | Treatment | C798 | Optional |
reason treatment ended | Treatment | --- | Optional |
reason treatment not given | Treatment | C102704 | Optional |
regimen or line of therapy | Treatment | 6161024 | Optional |
residual disease | Treatment | C4809 | Optional |
route of administration | Treatment | C38114 | Optional |
therapeutic agents | Treatment | 2975232 | Optional |
therapeutic level achieved | Treatment | --- | Optional |
therapeutic levels achieved | Treatment | C198198 | Optional |
therapeutic target level | Treatment | --- | Optional |
timepoint category | Treatment | C68568 | Optional |
treatment anatomic site | Treatment | 5615611 | Optional |
treatment anatomic sites | Treatment | 5615611 | Optional |
treatment arm | Treatment | 7068995 | Optional |
treatment dose | Treatment | 2182728 | Optional |
treatment dose max | Treatment | --- | Optional |
treatment dose units | Treatment | --- | Optional |
treatment duration | Treatment | --- | Optional |
treatment effect | Treatment | 6514354 | Optional |
treatment effect indicator | Treatment | --- | Optional |
treatment frequency | Treatment | --- | Optional |
treatment intent type | Treatment | 2793511 | Optional |
treatment or therapy | Treatment | 4231463 | Optional |
treatment outcome | Treatment | 5102383 | Optional |
treatment outcome duration | Treatment | --- | Optional |
treatment type | Treatment | 5102381 | Optional |