Term | Category | CDE | Required? |
aliquot quantity | Aliquot | --- | Optional |
aliquot volume | Aliquot | --- | Optional |
amount | Aliquot | --- | Optional |
analyte type | Aliquot | 2513915 | Optional |
analyte type id | Aliquot | 5432508 | Optional |
concentration | Aliquot | 5432594 | Optional |
no matched normal low pass wgs | Aliquot | --- | Optional |
no matched normal targeted sequencing | Aliquot | --- | Optional |
no matched normal wgs | Aliquot | --- | Optional |
no matched normal wxs | Aliquot | --- | Optional |
selected normal low pass wgs | Aliquot | --- | Optional |
selected normal targeted sequencing | Aliquot | --- | Optional |
selected normal wgs | Aliquot | --- | Optional |
selected normal wxs | Aliquot | --- | Optional |
source center | Aliquot | --- | Optional |
a260 a280 ratio | Analyte | 5432595 | Optional |
amount | Analyte | --- | Optional |
analyte quantity | Analyte | --- | Optional |
analyte type | Analyte | 2513915 | Required |
analyte type id | Analyte | 5432508 | Optional |
analyte volume | Analyte | --- | Optional |
concentration | Analyte | 5432594 | Optional |
experimental protocol type | Analyte | --- | Optional |
normal tumor genotype snp match | Analyte | 4588156 | Optional |
ribosomal rna 28s 16s ratio | Analyte | --- | Optional |
rna integrity number | Analyte | C63637 | Optional |
spectrophotometer method | Analyte | 3008378 | Optional |
well number | Analyte | 5432613 | Optional |
consent type | Case | --- | Optional |
days to consent | Case | --- | Optional |
days to lost to followup | Case | 6154721 | Optional |
disease type | Case | 6161017 | Required |
index date | Case | 6154722 | Optional |
lost to followup | Case | 6161018 | Optional |
primary site | Case | 6161019 | Required |
creation datetime | Portion | 5432592 | Optional |
is ffpe | Portion | 4170557 | Optional |
portion number | Portion | 5432711 | Optional |
weight | Portion | 5432593 | Optional |
adapter name | Read group | --- | Optional |
adapter sequence | Read group | --- | Optional |
base caller name | Read group | --- | Optional |
base caller version | Read group | --- | Optional |
chipseq antibody | Read group | --- | Optional |
chipseq target | Read group | --- | Optional |
days to sequencing | Read group | --- | Optional |
experiment name | Read group | --- | Required |
flow cell barcode | Read group | --- | Optional |
fragment maximum length | Read group | --- | Optional |
fragment mean length | Read group | --- | Optional |
fragment minimum length | Read group | --- | Optional |
fragment standard deviation length | Read group | --- | Optional |
fragmentation enzyme | Read group | --- | Optional |
includes spike ins | Read group | --- | Optional |
instrument model | Read group | 5432604 | Optional |
is paired end | Read group | --- | Required |
lane number | Read group | --- | Optional |
library name | Read group | --- | Required |
library preparation kit catalog number | Read group | --- | Optional |
library preparation kit name | Read group | --- | Optional |
library preparation kit vendor | Read group | --- | Optional |
library preparation kit version | Read group | --- | Optional |
library selection | Read group | --- | Required |
library strand | Read group | --- | Optional |
library strategy | Read group | --- | Required |
multiplex barcode | Read group | --- | Optional |
number expect cells | Read group | --- | Optional |
platform | Read group | --- | Required |
read group name | Read group | --- | Required |
read length | Read group | --- | Required |
rin | Read group | 5278775 | Optional |
sequencing center | Read group | --- | Required |
sequencing date | Read group | --- | Optional |
single cell library | Read group | --- | Optional |
size selection range | Read group | --- | Optional |
spike ins concentration | Read group | --- | Optional |
spike ins fasta | Read group | --- | Optional |
target capture kit | Read group | --- | Required |
target capture kit catalog number | Read group | --- | Optional |
target capture kit name | Read group | --- | Optional |
target capture kit target region | Read group | --- | Optional |
target capture kit vendor | Read group | --- | Optional |
target capture kit version | Read group | --- | Optional |
to trim adapter sequence | Read group | --- | Optional |
biospecimen anatomic site | Sample | 4742851 | Optional |
biospecimen laterality | Sample | 2007875 | Optional |
catalog reference | Sample | --- | Optional |
composition | Sample | 5432591 | Optional |
current weight | Sample | 5432606 | Optional |
days to collection | Sample | 3008340 | Optional |
days to sample procurement | Sample | --- | Optional |
diagnosis pathologically confirmed | Sample | --- | Optional |
distance normal to tumor | Sample | 3088708 | Optional |
distributor reference | Sample | --- | Optional |
freezing method | Sample | 5432607 | Optional |
growth rate | Sample | --- | Optional |
initial weight | Sample | 5432605 | Optional |
intermediate dimension | Sample | --- | Optional |
is ffpe | Sample | 4170557 | Optional |
longest dimension | Sample | 5432602 | Optional |
method of sample procurement | Sample | --- | Optional |
oct embedded | Sample | 5432538 | Optional |
passage count | Sample | --- | Optional |
pathology report uuid | Sample | --- | Optional |
preservation method | Sample | 5432521 | Required |
sample ordinal | Sample | --- | Optional |
sample type | Sample | 3111302 | Optional |
sample type id | Sample | --- | Optional |
shortest dimension | Sample | 5432603 | Optional |
specimen type | Sample | C70713 | Required |
time between clamping and freezing | Sample | 5432611 | Optional |
time between excision and freezing | Sample | 5432612 | Optional |
tissue collection type | Sample | --- | Optional |
tissue type | Sample | 5432687 | Required |
tumor code | Sample | --- | Optional |
tumor code id | Sample | --- | Optional |
tumor descriptor | Sample | 3288124 | Required |
bone marrow malignant cells | Slide | --- | Optional |
number proliferating cells | Slide | 5432636 | Optional |
percent eosinophil infiltration | Slide | 2897700 | Optional |
percent follicular component | Slide | --- | Optional |
percent granulocyte infiltration | Slide | 2897705 | Optional |
percent inflam infiltration | Slide | 2897695 | Optional |
percent lymphocyte infiltration | Slide | 2897710 | Optional |
percent monocyte infiltration | Slide | 5455535 | Optional |
percent necrosis | Slide | 2841237 | Optional |
percent neutrophil infiltration | Slide | 2841267 | Optional |
percent normal cells | Slide | 2841233 | Optional |
percent rhabdoid features | Slide | 6790120 | Optional |
percent sarcomatoid features | Slide | 2429786 | Optional |
percent stromal cells | Slide | 2841241 | Optional |
percent tumor cells | Slide | 5432686 | Optional |
percent tumor nuclei | Slide | 2841225 | Optional |
prostatic chips positive count | Slide | --- | Optional |
prostatic chips total count | Slide | --- | Optional |
prostatic involvement percent | Slide | --- | Optional |
section location | Slide | --- | Required |
tissue microarray coordinates | Slide | --- | Optional |