The GDC provides an array of interactive, web-based Analysis Tools for performing in-depth gene- and variant- level analyses. The workflow is cohort-centric, meaning analyses are specific to a researcher's cohort of interest.
Data Analysis Tools
The GDC provides interactive, cohort-centric tools for analyzing genomic and clinical data.
Data Analysis Policy
Policies and guidelines for appropriate use of data, are provided by the GDC whether open- or controlled- access.
Data Harmonization and Generation
The GDC developers best-in-practice pipelines for processing the most common molecular platforms. Variant calling, gene expression analysis, and other pipelines are implemented using software and algorithms selected in consultation with experts in the genomics community.
What’s New with GDC and Cancer Research
Cancer Research Highlights and Publications:
In the GDC Data Portal, where is the histogram of top frequently mutated genes for a cohort?
To view the top frequently mutated genes for a cohort, first build a cohort using the Cohort Builder and then select the Mutation Frequency tool in the Analysis Center
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