The GDC Nightingale release brings an upgrade to the GDC Data Transfer Tool (DTT) client and an Application Programming Interface (API) update to add an endpoint for Other Clinical Data Elements with data soon to follow.
The new GDC DTT 2.0 is available for download on the GDC Data Transfer Tool page. For more information, please refer to the GDC Data Transfer Tool Release Notes. Information on the GDC API including the new Other Clinical Data Elements endpoint is available in the GDC API User's Guide.
The GDC welcomes feedback on GDC 2.0 through our GDC Support Center at
GDC releases are named alphabetically in honor of distinguished scientists and their significant research contributions. The GDC Nightingale Release was named after Florence Nightingale.

Florence Nightingale inspired millions of PowerPoint presentations. A pioneer in statistics and the visual presentation of data, she was among the first to create pie charts, along with what is still known at the Nightingale rose diagram. As if those accomplishments weren’t enough, Nightingale is also the founder of modern nursing. In 1854, Nightingale led a corps of 38 nurses into a British military hospital during the Crimean War and transformed appalling facilities into sanitary places of healing. Nightingale later established the first professional nursing school in London, and she campaigned throughout her life for medical reforms. Nightingale remains a global symbol of caring and compassion.