Clinical data on cases enrolled in major NCI CCG programs are provided by Biospecimen Core Repositories (BCRs) in schema-valid XML format. Other submitters may provide clinical data in a tab-delimited text or json format via a GDC web page. Clinical data elements indexed by the GDC are described in the following table.
More information about each of the clinical elements, including their descriptions and value domains, can be found in the GDC Data Dictionary Viewer. The links for each clinical entity dictionary entry are listed below:
- Demographic
- Diagnosis
- Exposure
- Family History
- Follow Up
- Molecular Test
- Other Clinical Attribute
- Pathology Detail
- Treatment
Clinical Data Table
Clinical Data Table
Term | Category | CDE | Required? |
age at index | Demographic | 6028530 | Optional |
age is obfuscated | Demographic | --- | Optional |
cause of death | Demographic | 2554674 | Optional |
cause of death source | Demographic | --- | Optional |
country of birth | Demographic | --- | Optional |
country of residence at enrollment | Demographic | 7050286 | Optional |
days to birth | Demographic | 6154723 | Optional |
days to death | Demographic | 6154724 | Optional |
education level | Demographic | C17953 | Optional |
ethnicity | Demographic | 2192217 | Required |
sex | Demographic | 2200604 | Required |
marital status | Demographic | C25188 | Optional |
occupation duration years | Demographic | 2435424 | Optional |
population group | Demographic | C17005 | Optional |
premature at birth | Demographic | 6010765 | Optional |
race | Demographic | 2192199 | Required |
vital status | Demographic | 5 | Required |
weeks gestation at birth | Demographic | 2737369 | Optional |
year of birth | Demographic | 2896954 | Optional |
year of death | Demographic | 2897030 | Optional |
adrenal hormone | Diagnosis | C2264 | Optional |
age at diagnosis | Diagnosis | 3225640 | Required |
ajcc clinical m | Diagnosis | 3440331 | Optional |
ajcc clinical n | Diagnosis | 3440330 | Optional |
ajcc clinical stage | Diagnosis | 3440332 | Optional |
ajcc clinical t | Diagnosis | 3440328 | Optional |
ajcc pathologic m | Diagnosis | 3045439 | Optional |
ajcc pathologic n | Diagnosis | 3203106 | Optional |
ajcc pathologic stage | Diagnosis | 3203222 | Optional |
ajcc pathologic t | Diagnosis | 3045435 | Optional |
ajcc serum tumor markers | Diagnosis | C111067 | Optional |
ajcc staging system edition | Diagnosis | 2722309 | Optional |
ann arbor b symptoms | Diagnosis | 2902402 | Optional |
ann arbor b symptoms described | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
ann arbor clinical stage | Diagnosis | 5615604 | Optional |
ann arbor extranodal involvement | Diagnosis | 3364582 | Optional |
ann arbor pathologic stage | Diagnosis | 5615605 | Optional |
best overall response | Diagnosis | 2003324 | Optional |
burkitt lymphoma clinical variant | Diagnosis | 3770421 | Optional |
calgb risk group | Diagnosis | C159229 | Optional |
cancer detection method | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
child pugh classification | Diagnosis | 2931791 | Optional |
clark level | Diagnosis | C94811 | Optional |
classification of tumor | Diagnosis | 3288124 | Optional |
cog liver stage | Diagnosis | 6013618 | Optional |
cog neuroblastoma risk group | Diagnosis | 4616452 | Optional |
cog renal stage | Diagnosis | 6013641 | Optional |
cog rhabdomyosarcoma risk group | Diagnosis | 6133604 | Optional |
contiguous organ invaded | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
days to best overall response | Diagnosis | 6154732 | Optional |
days to diagnosis | Diagnosis | 6154733 | Optional |
days to last follow up | Diagnosis | 3008273 | Optional |
days to last known disease status | Diagnosis | 3008273 | Optional |
days to recurrence | Diagnosis | 6154731 | Optional |
diagnosis is primary disease | Diagnosis | --- | Required |
double expressor lymphoma | Diagnosis | C138900 | Optional |
double hit lymphoma | Diagnosis | C125904 | Optional |
eln risk classification | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
enneking msts grade | Diagnosis | 6003955 | Optional |
enneking msts metastasis | Diagnosis | 6003958 | Optional |
enneking msts stage | Diagnosis | 6060045 | Optional |
enneking msts tumor site | Diagnosis | 6003957 | Optional |
ensat clinical m | Diagnosis | C104027 | Optional |
ensat pathologic n | Diagnosis | C104023 | Optional |
ensat pathologic stage | Diagnosis | C141099 | Optional |
ensat pathologic t | Diagnosis | C104018 | Optional |
esophageal columnar dysplasia degree | Diagnosis | 3440917 | Optional |
esophageal columnar metaplasia present | Diagnosis | 3440218 | Optional |
fab morphology code | Diagnosis | C91220 | Optional |
figo stage | Diagnosis | 3225684 | Optional |
figo staging edition year | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
first symptom longest duration | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
first symptom prior to diagnosis | Diagnosis | 6133605 | Optional |
gastric esophageal junction involvement | Diagnosis | 6059632 | Optional |
gleason grade group | Diagnosis | 5918370 | Optional |
gleason grade tertiary | Diagnosis | C48605 | Optional |
gleason patterns percent | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
gleason score | Diagnosis | C28084 | Optional |
goblet cells columnar mucosa present | Diagnosis | 3440219 | Optional |
icd 10 code | Diagnosis | 3226287 | Optional |
igcccg stage | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
inpc grade | Diagnosis | 6133602 | Optional |
inpc histologic group | Diagnosis | 4616372 | Optional |
inrg stage | Diagnosis | 5777238 | Optional |
inss stage | Diagnosis | 6133603 | Optional |
international prognostic index | Diagnosis | 2500234 | Optional |
irs group | Diagnosis | 6141658 | Optional |
irs stage | Diagnosis | 5162089 | Optional |
ishak fibrosis score | Diagnosis | 3182621 | Optional |
iss stage | Diagnosis | 2465385 | Optional |
last known disease status | Diagnosis | 5424231 | Optional |
laterality | Diagnosis | 827 | Optional |
margin distance | Diagnosis | C137815 | Optional |
margins involved site | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
masaoka stage | Diagnosis | 3952848 | Optional |
max tumor bulk site | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
medulloblastoma molecular classification | Diagnosis | 6002209 | Optional |
melanoma known primary | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
metastasis at diagnosis | Diagnosis | 6133614 | Optional |
metastasis at diagnosis site | Diagnosis | 3029815 | Optional |
method of diagnosis | Diagnosis | 6161031 | Optional |
micropapillary features | Diagnosis | 6068784 | Optional |
mitosis karyorrhexis index | Diagnosis | 4616412 | Optional |
mitotic count | Diagnosis | C47864 | Optional |
morphology | Diagnosis | 3226275 | Required |
ovarian specimen status | Diagnosis | 6690671 | Optional |
ovarian surface involvement | Diagnosis | 6690674 | Optional |
papillary renal cell type | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
pediatric kidney staging | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
peritoneal fluid cytological status | Diagnosis | 6690681 | Optional |
pregnant at diagnosis | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
primary diagnosis | Diagnosis | 6161032 | Required |
primary disease | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
primary gleason grade | Diagnosis | 5936800 | Optional |
prior malignancy | Diagnosis | 3382736 | Optional |
prior treatment | Diagnosis | 4231463 | Optional |
progression or recurrence | Diagnosis | 3121376 | Optional |
residual disease | Diagnosis | C4809 | Optional |
satellite nodule present | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
secondary gleason grade | Diagnosis | 5936802 | Optional |
site of resection or biopsy | Diagnosis | 6161034 | Required |
sites of involvement | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
sites of involvement count | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
supratentorial localization | Diagnosis | 3133891 | Optional |
synchronous malignancy | Diagnosis | 6142390 | Optional |
tissue or organ of origin | Diagnosis | 6161035 | Required |
tumor burden | Diagnosis | C28384 | Optional |
tumor confined to organ of origin | Diagnosis | 4925494 | Optional |
tumor depth | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
tumor focality | Diagnosis | 3174022 | Optional |
tumor grade | Diagnosis | 2785839 | Optional |
tumor grade category | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
tumor of origin | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
tumor regression grade | Diagnosis | 6471217 | Optional |
uicc clinical m | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc clinical n | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc clinical stage | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc clinical t | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc pathologic m | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc pathologic n | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc pathologic stage | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc pathologic t | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
uicc staging system edition | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
ulceration indicator | Diagnosis | C25757 | Optional |
weiss assessment findings | Diagnosis | C104015 | Optional |
weiss assessment score | Diagnosis | 3648744 | Optional |
who cns grade | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
who nte grade | Diagnosis | --- | Optional |
wilms tumor histologic subtype | Diagnosis | 4358735 | Optional |
year of diagnosis | Diagnosis | 2896960 | Optional |
age at last exposure | Exposure | --- | Optional |
age at onset | Exposure | --- | Optional |
alcohol days per week | Exposure | 3114013 | Optional |
alcohol drinks per day | Exposure | 3124961 | Optional |
alcohol frequency | Exposure | --- | Optional |
alcohol history | Exposure | 2201918 | Optional |
alcohol intensity | Exposure | 3457767 | Optional |
alcohol type | Exposure | --- | Optional |
asbestos exposure | Exposure | 1253 | Optional |
asbestos exposure type | Exposure | --- | Optional |
chemical exposure type | Exposure | C36290 | Optional |
cigarettes per day | Exposure | 2001716 | Optional |
coal dust exposure | Exposure | --- | Optional |
environmental tobacco smoke exposure | Exposure | --- | Optional |
exposure duration | Exposure | --- | Optional |
exposure duration hrs per day | Exposure | --- | Optional |
exposure duration years | Exposure | C83280 | Optional |
exposure source | Exposure | --- | Optional |
exposure type | Exposure | --- | Optional |
occupation duration years | Exposure | 2435424 | Optional |
occupation type | Exposure | C25193 | Optional |
pack years smoked | Exposure | 2955385 | Optional |
parent with radiation exposure | Exposure | --- | Optional |
radon exposure | Exposure | 2816352 | Optional |
respirable crystalline silica exposure | Exposure | --- | Optional |
secondhand smoke as child | Exposure | 6841888 | Optional |
smoking frequency | Exposure | --- | Optional |
time between waking and first smoke | Exposure | 3279220 | Optional |
tobacco smoking onset year | Exposure | 2228604 | Optional |
tobacco smoking quit year | Exposure | 2228610 | Optional |
tobacco smoking status | Exposure | 2181650 | Optional |
type of smoke exposure | Exposure | --- | Optional |
type of tobacco used | Exposure | --- | Optional |
use per day | Exposure | --- | Optional |
years smoked | Exposure | 3137957 | Optional |
relationship age at diagnosis | Family history | 5300571 | Optional |
relationship sex | Family history | 6161021 | Optional |
relationship primary diagnosis | Family history | 6161022 | Optional |
relationship type | Family history | 2690165 | Optional |
relative deceased | Family history | C81180 | Optional |
relative smoker | Family history | --- | Optional |
relative with cancer history | Family history | 6161023 | Optional |
relatives with cancer history count | Family history | --- | Optional |
adverse event | Follow up | 3125302 | Optional |
adverse event grade | Follow up | 2944515 | Optional |
aids risk factors | Follow up | --- | Optional |
barretts esophagus goblet cells present | Follow up | 3440216 | Optional |
bmi | Follow up | 2006410 | Optional |
body surface area | Follow up | 653 | Optional |
cause of response | Follow up | 6161025 | Optional |
cd4 count | Follow up | 4182751 | Optional |
cdc hiv risk factors | Follow up | --- | Optional |
comorbidities | Follow up | 2970715 | Optional |
comorbidity | Follow up | 2970715 | Optional |
comorbidity method of diagnosis | Follow up | 6142386 | Optional |
days to adverse event | Follow up | 6154728 | Optional |
days to comorbidity | Follow up | --- | Optional |
days to first event | Follow up | --- | Optional |
days to follow up | Follow up | 6154727 | Required |
days to imaging | Follow up | --- | Optional |
days to progression | Follow up | 6154730 | Optional |
days to progression free | Follow up | --- | Optional |
days to recurrence | Follow up | 6154731 | Optional |
days to risk factor | Follow up | --- | Optional |
diabetes treatment type | Follow up | 3587247 | Optional |
discontiguous lesion count | Follow up | C158639 | Optional |
disease response | Follow up | 5750671 | Optional |
dlco ref predictive percent | Follow up | 2180255 | Optional |
ecog performance status | Follow up | 88 | Optional |
evidence of progression type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
evidence of recurrence type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
eye color | Follow up | C157437 | Optional |
fev1 fvc post bronch percent | Follow up | 3302956 | Optional |
fev1 fvc pre bronch percent | Follow up | 3302955 | Optional |
fev1 ref post bronch percent | Follow up | 3302948 | Optional |
fev1 ref pre bronch percent | Follow up | 3302947 | Optional |
first event | Follow up | --- | Optional |
haart treatment indicator | Follow up | --- | Optional |
height | Follow up | 649 | Optional |
hepatitis sustained virological response | Follow up | 6423783 | Optional |
histologic progression | Follow up | C99318 | Optional |
history of tumor | Follow up | --- | Optional |
history of tumor type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
hiv viral load | Follow up | 2649682 | Optional |
hormonal contraceptive type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
hormonal contraceptive use | Follow up | --- | Optional |
hormone replacement therapy type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
hpv positive type | Follow up | 2922649 | Optional |
hysterectomy margins involved | Follow up | --- | Optional |
hysterectomy type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
imaging anatomic site | Follow up | C13717 | Optional |
imaging findings | Follow up | --- | Optional |
imaging result | Follow up | --- | Optional |
imaging suv | Follow up | C69310 | Optional |
imaging suv max | Follow up | C69310 | Optional |
imaging type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
immunosuppressive treatment type | Follow up | --- | Optional |
karnofsky performance status | Follow up | 2003853 | Optional |
menopause status | Follow up | 2434914 | Optional |
nadir cd4 count | Follow up | --- | Optional |
pancreatitis onset year | Follow up | 3457763 | Optional |
peritoneal washing results | Follow up | C159340 | Optional |
pregnancy count | Follow up | --- | Optional |
pregnancy outcome | Follow up | --- | Optional |
procedures performed | Follow up | --- | Optional |
progression or recurrence | Follow up | 3121376 | Optional |
progression or recurrence anatomic site | Follow up | 6161026 | Optional |
progression or recurrence type | Follow up | 6142385 | Optional |
recist targeted regions number | Follow up | --- | Optional |
recist targeted regions sum | Follow up | --- | Optional |
reflux treatment type | Follow up | 3440206 | Optional |
risk factor | Follow up | 6142389 | Optional |
risk factor method of diagnosis | Follow up | C177576 | Optional |
risk factor treatment | Follow up | 6514356 | Optional |
risk factors | Follow up | 6142389 | Optional |
scan tracer used | Follow up | --- | Optional |
timepoint category | Follow up | C68568 | Optional |
treatment emergent adverse event | Follow up | C142733 | Optional |
undescended testis corrected | Follow up | --- | Optional |
undescended testis corrected age | Follow up | C181721 | Optional |
undescended testis corrected laterality | Follow up | --- | Optional |
undescended testis corrected method | Follow up | --- | Optional |
undescended testis history | Follow up | C12326 | Optional |
undescended testis history laterality | Follow up | --- | Optional |
viral hepatitis serologies | Follow up | 4395982 | Optional |
weight | Follow up | 651 | Optional |
year of follow up | Follow up | --- | Optional |
aa change | Molecular test | 6142508 | Optional |
aneuploidy | Molecular test | C2873 | Optional |
antigen | Molecular test | 6142523 | Optional |
biospecimen type | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
biospecimen volume | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
blood test normal range lower | Molecular test | 6142571 | Optional |
blood test normal range upper | Molecular test | 6142535 | Optional |
cell count | Molecular test | 6142528 | Optional |
chromosomal translocation | Molecular test | C3420 | Optional |
chromosome | Molecular test | 6142404 | Optional |
chromosome arm | Molecular test | C13355 | Optional |
clonality | Molecular test | C18304 | Optional |
copy number | Molecular test | 6142519 | Optional |
cytoband | Molecular test | 6142405 | Optional |
days to test | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
exon | Molecular test | 6142411 | Optional |
gene symbol | Molecular test | 6142392 | Required |
histone family | Molecular test | 6142511 | Optional |
histone variant | Molecular test | 6142515 | Optional |
hpv strain | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
intron | Molecular test | 6514355 | Optional |
laboratory test | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
loci abnormal count | Molecular test | 6074182 | Optional |
loci count | Molecular test | 6074183 | Optional |
locus | Molecular test | C45822 | Optional |
mismatch repair mutation | Molecular test | 6142534 | Optional |
mitotic count | Molecular test | C47864 | Optional |
mitotic total area | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
molecular analysis method | Molecular test | 6142401 | Required |
molecular consequence | Molecular test | 6142403 | Optional |
mutation codon | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
pathogenicity | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
ploidy | Molecular test | 6142527 | Optional |
second exon | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
second gene symbol | Molecular test | 6142393 | Optional |
specialized molecular test | Molecular test | 6142526 | Optional |
staining intensity scale | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
staining intensity value | Molecular test | C127762 | Optional |
test analyte type | Molecular test | 6142394 | Optional |
test result | Molecular test | 6142397 | Required |
test units | Molecular test | 6142525 | Optional |
test value | Molecular test | 6142524 | Optional |
test value range | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
timepoint category | Molecular test | C68568 | Optional |
transcript | Molecular test | 6142465 | Optional |
variant origin | Molecular test | --- | Optional |
variant type | Molecular test | 6142402 | Optional |
zygosity | Molecular test | 6142510 | Optional |
aids risk factors | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
bmi | Other clinical attribute | 2006410 | Optional |
body surface area | Other clinical attribute | 653 | Optional |
cd4 count | Other clinical attribute | 4182751 | Optional |
cdc hiv risk factors | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
comorbidities | Other clinical attribute | 2970715 | Optional |
comorbidity method of diagnosis | Other clinical attribute | 6142386 | Optional |
days to comorbidity | Other clinical attribute | 6154729 | Optional |
days to risk factor | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
diabetes treatment type | Other clinical attribute | 3587247 | Optional |
dlco ref predictive percent | Other clinical attribute | 2180255 | Optional |
exercise frequency weekly | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
eye color | Other clinical attribute | C157437 | Optional |
fev1 fvc post bronch percent | Other clinical attribute | 3302956 | Optional |
fev1 fvc pre bronch percent | Other clinical attribute | 3302955 | Optional |
fev1 ref post bronch percent | Other clinical attribute | 3302948 | Optional |
fev1 ref pre bronch percent | Other clinical attribute | 3302947 | Optional |
haart treatment indicator | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
height | Other clinical attribute | 649 | Optional |
hepatitis sustained virological response | Other clinical attribute | 6423783 | Optional |
hiv viral load | Other clinical attribute | 2649682 | Optional |
hormonal contraceptive type | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
hormonal contraceptive use | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
hormonal replacement therapy status | Other clinical attribute | C206479 | Optional |
hormone replacement therapy type | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
hysterectomy margins involved | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
hysterectomy type | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
immunosuppressive treatment type | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
menopause status | Other clinical attribute | 2434914 | Optional |
myasthenia gravis classification | Other clinical attribute | C187352 | Optional |
nadir cd4 count | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
nononcologic therapeutic agents | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
number of pregnancies | Other clinical attribute | C106551 | Optional |
oxygen use indicator | Other clinical attribute | 7847908 | Optional |
oxygen use type | Other clinical attribute | 3181408 | Optional |
pancreatitis onset year | Other clinical attribute | 3457763 | Optional |
pregnancy count | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
pregnancy outcome | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
pregnant at diagnosis | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
premature at birth | Other clinical attribute | 6010765 | Optional |
reflux treatment type | Other clinical attribute | 3440206 | Optional |
risk factor method of diagnosis | Other clinical attribute | C177576 | Optional |
risk factor treatment | Other clinical attribute | 6514356 | Optional |
risk factors | Other clinical attribute | 6142389 | Optional |
timepoint category | Other clinical attribute | C68568 | Optional |
treatment frequency | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
undescended testis corrected | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
undescended testis corrected age | Other clinical attribute | C181721 | Optional |
undescended testis corrected age range | Other clinical attribute | C181721 | Optional |
undescended testis corrected laterality | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
undescended testis corrected method | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
undescended testis history | Other clinical attribute | C12326 | Optional |
undescended testis history laterality | Other clinical attribute | --- | Optional |
viral hepatitis serologies | Other clinical attribute | 4395982 | Optional |
viral hepatitis serology tests | Other clinical attribute | C177609 | Optional |
weeks gestation at birth | Other clinical attribute | 2737369 | Optional |
weight | Other clinical attribute | 651 | Optional |
additional pathology findings | Pathology detail | C158809 | Optional |
anaplasia present | Pathology detail | 6059599 | Optional |
anaplasia present type | Pathology detail | 4925534 | Optional |
bone marrow malignant cells | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
breslow thickness | Pathology detail | 64809 | Optional |
circumferential resection margin | Pathology detail | 6161030 | Optional |
columnar mucosa present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
consistent pathology review | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
days to pathology detail | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
dysplasia degree | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
dysplasia type | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
epithelioid cell percent | Pathology detail | C200471 | Optional |
epithelioid cell percent range | Pathology detail | C200471 | Optional |
extracapsular extension | Pathology detail | C25502 | Optional |
extracapsular extension present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
extranodal extension | Pathology detail | C117309 | Optional |
extraocular nodule size | Pathology detail | C185261 | Optional |
extrascleral extension | Pathology detail | C111028 | Optional |
extrascleral extension present | Pathology detail | C111028 | Optional |
extrathyroid extension | Pathology detail | 3179452 | Optional |
greatest tumor dimension | Pathology detail | C157135 | Optional |
gross tumor weight | Pathology detail | 6133606 | Optional |
histologic progression type | Pathology detail | 3181384 | Optional |
intratubular germ cell neoplasia present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
largest extrapelvic peritoneal focus | Pathology detail | 6690680 | Optional |
lymph node dissection method | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
lymph node dissection site | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
lymph node involved site | Pathology detail | C33027 | Optional |
lymph node involvement | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
lymph nodes positive | Pathology detail | 89 | Optional |
lymph nodes removed | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
lymph nodes tested | Pathology detail | 3 | Optional |
lymphatic invasion present | Pathology detail | 64171 | Optional |
margin status | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
measurement type | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
measurement unit | Pathology detail | C42578 | Optional |
metaplasia present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
micrometastasis present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
morphologic architectural pattern | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
necrosis percent | Pathology detail | C159481 | Optional |
necrosis present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
non nodal regional disease | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
non nodal tumor deposits | Pathology detail | 3107051 | Optional |
number proliferating cells | Pathology detail | 5432636 | Optional |
percent tumor invasion | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
percent tumor nuclei | Pathology detail | 2841225 | Optional |
perineural invasion present | Pathology detail | 64181 | Optional |
peripancreatic lymph nodes positive | Pathology detail | 5983082 | Optional |
peripancreatic lymph nodes tested | Pathology detail | 6050944 | Optional |
prcc type | Pathology detail | C6975 | Optional |
prostatic chips positive count | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
prostatic chips total count | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
prostatic involvement percent | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
residual tumor | Pathology detail | C4809 | Optional |
residual tumor measurement | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
rhabdoid percent | Pathology detail | 6790120 | Optional |
rhabdoid present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
sarcomatoid percent | Pathology detail | 2429786 | Optional |
sarcomatoid present | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
size extraocular nodule | Pathology detail | C185261 | Optional |
spindle cell percent | Pathology detail | C200472 | Optional |
spindle cell percent range | Pathology detail | C200472 | Optional |
timepoint category | Pathology detail | C68568 | Optional |
transglottic extension | Pathology detail | C160996 | Optional |
tumor basal diameter | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
tumor burden | Pathology detail | C28384 | Optional |
tumor depth descriptor | Pathology detail | 3808610 | Optional |
tumor depth measurement | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
tumor infiltrating lymphocytes | Pathology detail | C12546 | Optional |
tumor infiltrating macrophages | Pathology detail | C111027 | Optional |
tumor largest dimension diameter | Pathology detail | 64215 | Optional |
tumor length measurement | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
tumor level prostate | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
tumor shape | Pathology detail | 3870445 | Optional |
tumor thickness | Pathology detail | C176286 | Optional |
tumor width measurement | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
vascular invasion present | Pathology detail | 64358 | Optional |
vascular invasion type | Pathology detail | 3168001 | Optional |
zone of origin prostate | Pathology detail | --- | Optional |
chemo concurrent to radiation | Treatment | --- | Optional |
clinical trial indicator | Treatment | --- | Optional |
course number | Treatment | C166235 | Optional |
days to treatment end | Treatment | 6154725 | Optional |
days to treatment start | Treatment | 6154726 | Optional |
drug category | Treatment | --- | Optional |
embolic agent | Treatment | C97229 | Optional |
initial disease status | Treatment | --- | Optional |
lesions treated number | Treatment | --- | Optional |
margin distance | Treatment | C137815 | Optional |
margin status | Treatment | --- | Optional |
margins involved site | Treatment | --- | Optional |
number of cycles | Treatment | --- | Optional |
number of fractions | Treatment | --- | Optional |
prescribed dose | Treatment | --- | Optional |
prescribed dose units | Treatment | C206478 | Optional |
pretreatment | Treatment | C103339 | Optional |
protocol identifier | Treatment | C132299 | Optional |
radiosensitizing agent | Treatment | C798 | Optional |
reason treatment ended | Treatment | --- | Optional |
reason treatment not given | Treatment | C102704 | Optional |
regimen or line of therapy | Treatment | 6161024 | Optional |
residual disease | Treatment | C4809 | Optional |
route of administration | Treatment | C38114 | Optional |
therapeutic agents | Treatment | 2975232 | Optional |
therapeutic level achieved | Treatment | --- | Optional |
therapeutic levels achieved | Treatment | C198198 | Optional |
therapeutic target level | Treatment | --- | Optional |
timepoint category | Treatment | C68568 | Optional |
treatment anatomic site | Treatment | 5615611 | Optional |
treatment anatomic sites | Treatment | 5615611 | Optional |
treatment arm | Treatment | 7068995 | Optional |
treatment dose | Treatment | 2182728 | Optional |
treatment dose max | Treatment | --- | Optional |
treatment dose units | Treatment | --- | Optional |
treatment duration | Treatment | --- | Optional |
treatment effect | Treatment | 6514354 | Optional |
treatment effect indicator | Treatment | --- | Optional |
treatment frequency | Treatment | --- | Optional |
treatment intent type | Treatment | 2793511 | Optional |
treatment or therapy | Treatment | 4231463 | Optional |
treatment outcome | Treatment | 5102383 | Optional |
treatment outcome duration | Treatment | --- | Optional |
treatment type | Treatment | 5102381 | Optional |